Help and Information

For all my Latin Brothers and Sisters ( eljefe2) because of the on-going economic crisis I have decided to put this link here so you can check out some of the Latest information regarding the crisis.

The New Realm of Hunterseeker


1. Rhode Island
2. Libertad Digital TV Spain
3. Mi
4. Tony’s Home Page
5. Puertoricans .com


Art Print

For all of my Puerto Rican readers and art fans you will be interested to know that you can view a number of my art prints at Galeria W. Labiosa in Old San Juan, 200 Tetuan Street, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901-1517
Tel. ( 787 ) 721-2848.

This is one of my more popular prints ( below ) available there. The title is ” Buen dia don Roberto ” and is hand signed by me and measures 16” x 20”.

Buen dia don Roberto

Buen dia don Roberto

Slideshow of My Artwork and Christmas Cards

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Does Anyone Know Norca Torres?

When I knew her Norca Torres lived on Rockaway Ave just off the corner of Atlantic Ave. in Brooklyn, New York. This was back around the mid 60’s. She had 2 brothers, one was Raymond and the other was Walter. Her step-father was partners with a Jewish fellow in a clothing store on Broadway just a bit west of Rockaway under the J train.

Norca had married a guy named Winston, don’t recall the last name, which is the guy the family felt she should marry.

Sometime around the late 60’s the family had moved to a large house just south west of Highland Park. I remember having been there once or twice before I went to the service. Upon my return I married and lost track of Norca and her family as well as a number of other friends.

A number of years ago my brother ran into her, don’t remember if it was in Brooklyn or Queens. He found out that she had been divorced from Winston. That was the last I ever heard of her.

If anyone reading this post knows of her or knows her please direct her to this blog so we may re-establish contact. Tell her Robert, Walter’s old friend is trying to re-establish contact with her.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Tragedy of Doña Adolfina Villanueva

While discussing the matter of Paseo Caribe my wife told me the story of a woman whom I had not heard of. Her name was Adolfina Villanueva who lived in Mediania Alta, which I understand is in Loiza. What my wife recounted about what took place on February 6 1980 with this woman shocked me and the fact that nothing was ever done shocked me even more. What really got me was the fact that when I tried to find out the story regarding Doña Adolfina I had problems on the internet accessing any files about her! It was only when I included the word “Eviction” in Spanish that I finally got a page on Google with the story about her.

It is a very sobering story indeed about a grave injustice which to this day has not been corrected. The story has many parallels with what is currently going on in Paseo Caribe and the People!
For the full account ( in Spanish ) go to Indy Media here

This coming February 6 marks the 27th anniversary of her death.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Se Anuncia La Primera Feria De Vehículos Hurtados En Plaza Las Américas

People you have got to go to El Ñame's site and check out this article by Oscar Marrano. I guarantee that you will die laughing over this one.

Escrito por Oscar Marrano
Oscar Marrano
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico - El Presidente de la Asociación Independiente de Dealers de Puerto Rico, Emilio Pérez Graulau, anunció la Primera Gran Feria de Vehículos Hurtados de las Américas, que comenzará este fin de semana en el estacionamiento de Plaza Las Américas en Hato Rey y continuará evidentemente por tiempo indefinido. Más...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Comment from Train of Dreams

trainofdreams said...
Gracias por poner este mensaje de navidad, lo hice por una buena causa, Easy Anthens han hecho un cd llamado hark¡ que se puede bajar las canciones gratis desde su página de myspace, pero además harán el cd en soporte lógico que se puede adquirir y cuyos fondos serán para los menos necesitados. todo está explicado en mi blog
Gracias trainsofdreams- inasperada

I found this comment to be so appreciative that I am posting it here along with the site URL so others may go there and enjoy some of the music and maybe help out with funds for the poor. The
comment refers to the Christmas slide show below this post. The link is below:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Slideshow con Mensaje para Navidad

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year to All

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Body of popular musician killed in Mexico returning to Indiana

I decided to put this link here due to the demand for news about this musician who was brutally tortured and strangled this past Sunday.
Many in the entertainment business in Mexico are now in fear for their lives especially since this is not the only such incident. Here is the link.

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Those who knew popular Mexican-American musician Sergio Gomez from his many visits to Spanish-language radio station WEDJ-FM cannot understand how he got caught up in the wave of entertainment-related murders in Mexico. More…

Thursday, December 06, 2007

FBI Statistics Show Anti-Latino Hate Crimes on the Rise

Well here is the latest statistics from the FBI that I came across on Democracy Now.

New FBI statistics suggest anti-Latino hate crimes have risen by almost 35 percent since 2003. In California—the state with the largest number of Latinos—the number of hate crimes against Latinos have almost doubled. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the violence engulfing Latinos is part of a backlash over the immigration debate in this country. More…

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Borinqueneers

While attending to matters on my other blog, The Last Caribbean Bohemian Artist I noticed that someone had been spending a lot of time going through the images. I was curious so I did a little back-tracking which took me to the Yahoo search engine page who's search term was: PUERTORICANS SOLDIERS TODAYS.

Obviously someone was doing some research regarding Puerto Ricans involved in the military and since I do put material about Puerto Rican soldiers on that site and the site was listed on the search page I didn't think nothing strange about. Then my eyes landed on something that caught my attention. One section below my site entry there was an entry for The Borinqueneers. I clicked on it and landed on the website of The Borinqueners.

I had never heard of them so I did a bit of reading and suddenly realized that they were talking about the famed 65th Infantry of Puerto Rico. This unit I had heard of though to say the truth knew very little about them about from the fact they they were involved in the Korean War, also known as the Korean Conflict and the Forgotten War. This site advertised the documentary about The Borinqueneers which would seem was aired this past August on PBS. On a hunch I typed in the information on my YouTube account and sure enough there was a trailer about the video.

Many Puerto Ricans, including myself, do not really know very much about the 65th Infantry apart from the fact that it was an Army unit and is the name given to a main highway here on the island. Even less known is the fact that 162 of their members were court martialed .

In December 1954, 162 Puerto Ricans of the 65th Infantry were arrested, 95 were court martialed, and 91 were found guilty and sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1 to 18 years of hard labor. It was the largest mass court martial of the Korean War. The Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens moved quickly to remit the sentences and granted clemency and pardons to all those involved.

Though I don't have a copy of The Borinqueneers, the trailer below shows that it is an important documentary that all Puerto Ricans should watch.

In researching the information at YouTube I cane across a number of links that you may want to check for yourselves especially those from the Boston area:

Boston Latino TV

National Association of Latino Independent Producers


I hope everyone enjoys the trailer and finds it informative and that you can enjoy the full length video whivh can be obtain at the Boriqueneers website listed above ( just click on it ).

The Borinqueneers Trailer

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Reactions to Venezuela referendum

Reuters : Venezuela's referendum: President for life?
You can click here to go to the Reuters page that has a bunch of information about the election and past statistics as well as many other articles regarding Hugo Chavez and Venezuela.

US War Vets to Speak Publicly About War Crimes

Though this is an article of National concern I decided to put the link here as many Puerto Ricans have and are serving in the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and would be interested in it. Click on this link:


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Presos Politicos de Puerto Rico

Here is a video that I came across at a new Video site I found, Videos de Boricuas at the following link:
You might want to click on over there and check out their videos.

For more information on either of these two Puerto Ricans you can go to the following site:

Oscar López Rivera

Carlos Alberto Torres

For a List of Political Prisoners go to the following site:
There are other organizations of interest listed at this site under the names
of the individuals.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Solo Aquí- Sony Store Mayaguez Mall

I found a very interesting article in LIBRE EXPRESION PUERTO RICO.COM that deals with a situation that is very common here on the island and is a cause of much friction. The article: Solo Aquí- Sony Store Mayaguez Mall , deals with one persons search for work and the obstacles that are encountered. It is something that happens here quite often and has kept many from seeking what they search for. After having read it I did some research into the area of fear and came across this article at Learning Fountain .Com which gave a pretty good explanation regarding this issue. For the first article click here. For the second article click here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Talk About An Immigration Problem!

The immigration problem in the U.S. has become so bad that now the aliens are coming in by way of Haiti! Check it out. It seems someone has a lot of time and money on their hands!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Soldiers Asked to Return Bonus for Being WIA?

Beware I say, Beware! There are things going on with returning wounded vets that are not being said and all those thinking of signing up to get that bonus I say this, BEWARE. According to the information I got tonight, and I don’t have it all, a veteran who was blinded while serving in Iraq and was honorably discharge was sent a bill ( not sure if it was the Pentagon or Army ) to the tune of close to $3,000.00!
Why you may ask. Very simple, a breach of contract ( or so they say ). This soldier, through no fault of his own gets wounded, he ends up blind ( not certain if it was one eye or both ) , is shipped back the honorably discharged after which he is sent a bill to pay back the bonus money. I am deliberately not mentioning any names because I am writing this as a human being and in no way as any sort of reporter.

I guess anyone with a 9th grade education can see the problem. I wonder if the recruiters mentioned any of this prior to the guy signing away his life! Since mine is a blog that deals with Latin issues I begin to wonder how many Latin’s have gone through this experience and repaid the bonus rather than rightfully take it to court to fight it. It’s funny but during the report I saw on CNN not once did I hear mention of court. I heard about the issue going before the soldiers congressman but no mention of court. Another funny thing about this report is that they stated that this first surfaced back in June or July! I get the impression it has been going on a lot longer than that.

A number of bloggers are not using as civil a tongue as I am regarding this issue. There is actually Fire and Brimstone coming out of some of those sites and rightfully so. Then they have the nerve to bitch about how their recruitment quota’s are not being met!

I bring up this whole issue here because I know there are many young Latin men out there thinking about signing up ( since there are so few options for many Latin’s ) so they can hopefully get those so called bonuses to try and make a stab at things and maybe, just maybe get ahead. I would strongly suggest you re-think the whole idea! I had always been of the observation that these recruiters would lie to their own mothers to get them to sign on the dotted line and meet their quota

I would suggest you click on over to these links I have listed below and get some more in depth info. Just click on the links.

There are many more but these should get the message across.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mister One & Doll-E Girl "Oh Honey" (track)


Ms Krazie Firme -Homegirl Odlies WWW.YOUBUYCDS.COM

Speeding Ticket Taser in Utah

This video was all over the networks and after seeing it and a comment left there I decided to include it here. Check out the second video as well ( it's 45 min 29 sec long so sit back ).

Here is the comment from You tube :
Want to take action?
1. CALL UHP at (801) 965-4518 and tell them what you think. 801 is the Utah Salt Lake City area code.
2. WATCH "BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters" on Google Video.
Protect yourself, protect America!

BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters

In the event the second video does not play click here to see it

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Aníbal Acevedo Vilá Retira Apoyo A Estados Unidos: "¡Nos Jodimos!", Dice Condoleezza Rice

People you must click on over to El Ñame and take a look at the Fiasco the Governor of Puerto Rico has caused with his declaration to: Withdraw the support they have given the United States! Said the slave to the master!

Here is a little morsel of the account:

El Gobernador le informó en una carta a la Secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, que si la Casa Blanca realmente apoyaba el informe de su Task Force, que establecía que el ELA no era una solución final al estatus, pues claramente le mintieron a sabiendas a Puerto Rico en 1953. Aseguró que ante tal situación, no tendría más opción que "retirar el apoyo tradicional que le hemos dado a los Estados Unidos ante la ONU sobre este asunto", específicamente ante Irán, Venezuela y Cuba, las cuales cuestionan la relación entre Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico.

For the rest you have to click HERE

Now you have to excuse me while I go over to Youtube and hear the Wise Words of El Jefe and see what he has to say about all this. Join me if you want!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Speedy Gonzalez Cartoon

Though this cartoon is old ( I think around the mid 50's ) it sure as hell seems to reflect our current times. Humor is a necessity if we are to maintain our sanity! Enjoy!
Sources-, Wikipedia, YouTube

Tito Kayak at it Again!

For those in the states ( and here on the island as well ) I have the link for news and information on Tito Kayak. Go to and look under Recent Posts

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rosie talks stereotypes, gives lesson on history

I came across a most fascinating article early this morning regarding Rosie Perez on The Robesonian.
Here is a small excerpt with the link.

By Tim Wilkins - Staff writer
PEMBROKE - Monday night at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Rosie Perez did the right thing.
The actress/choreographer/ director/producer and all-around Brooklyn bombshell, who got her big break when she portrayed Tina - Spike Lee's hot-as-a-jalapeno love interest in his 1989 cinematic ode to racial tension in New York City, “Do The Right Thing” - gave a racially tinged real-life performance as she discussed her own Puerto Rican heritage and the racial disparities that she says still confront this nation and her people. More...

VIDEO: Rosie Perez - "Yo Soy Boricua, Pa' Que Tu Lo Sepas"
Rosie talks about her documentary about Puerto Rico that premiered at the Miami International Film Festival ( March 2006 ). Click here for video interview.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Test Test Test

This is a test. The site is going through a development. This should appear below the Text Page. Text page to remain static.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Jacobo Morales Se Mete A Director De Porno

Publicado por: El Rata Nov. 2, 2007
En El Ñame

San Juan, Puerto Rico - El distinguido director puertorriqueño Jacobo Morales ha decidido incursionar en el excitante mundo de la pornografía, produciendo y dirigiendo películas de corte pornográfico en la Isla. Citando cansancio por hacer "siempre el mismo tipo de película", Morales anunció que trataría de cambiar su estilo para poder así "tocar a una audiencia" a la cual nunca había llegado. Mas…

Thursday, October 25, 2007

There is enough tragedy and crap going on around the world so I decided to post some comedy today ( still with a little social message ).

About This Video
The Latino Comedy Project's "300" parody, a video from the LCP's all-new full-length sketch comedy show "AlienNation", playing ONE WEEKEND ONLY Oct. 5-7 at the Dougherty Arts Center, 1110 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX. For advance tickets go to: or visit WWW.LCP.ORG or for more info!

I hope everyone enjoys it!

The Latino Comedy Project's "300" parody

This one is for the Family members

El Jefe's Parody of Latin Parody of The 300

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Daughter, grandson accused of abuse


Here is a horrifying tale of elderly abuse. A Pinecrest woman has been arrested after her 94-year-old father was found in his bedroom ''covered in feces, urine, rotting food and cockroaches,'' police said.

Daughter, grandson accused of abuse
A Pinecrest woman is facing trial after authorities found her elderly father in squalor. Her 18-year-old son has been charged, too. More…


Thursday, October 04, 2007

U.S. sailor: Don't Deport my Wife

To All my Latino Brothers and Sisters in the Far Flung Regions of the Empire here is yet another blunder by the government to make your eyes water! Click here El Bohemio to read about the latest government blunder involving another Latino family.

Stats 2127

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Weekend

Well the weekend is here and I had to take a break, if only for a while from the tragedy taking place in Myanmar of which I have been posting at Hunterseeker.

El Rata, over at El Ñame is always a source of amusement so I went there and sure enough I almost died laughing when I saw his headline for the weekend. Here it is:

Tetas De Cayey Quieren Hacerse Cirugía Correctiva
Publicado por: El Rata

Cayey, Puerto Rico - Con el propósito de arreglar el desperfecto que hace que una de ellas luzca un poco más grande que la otra, las famosas Tetas de Cayey están realizando gestiones para someterse a una serie de intervenciones quirúrgicas que las harían más parejas y les corregirían otros problemas menores.

For my Spanish reading readers take a minute off your busy schedule people and go over to El Ñame for a few laughs, you won't regret it!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Myanmar Situation

I know this site is supposed to be for issues regarding Latinos but I am currently engaged in communications with Burma and am posting the latest material on my other site at Hunterseeker. Go there for the latest regarding this on going situation. I just posted a Letter to the U.N. regarding Burma at that site.
Stat 2041

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

FBI Reviewing Anti-Jena 6 Web Page

Since I got involved with this story yesterday after hearing of it on the news I have done some quick catching up.
I visited the website mentioned in the video below and found that the names were not there. Maybe they had been taken down by the time I showed up. However, I did some checking and did find a White Supremacist site which had been mentioned in the news report where the purported list was in fact posted! I will not publish the name of the site here. Such irresponsibility should not be perpetuated.
Needless to say the authorities at Jena, La., are taking the threats seriously enough to increase the patrols in and around Jena. Calls of a derogatory nature have been made and even the white student who had been beaten has received threatening calls. Currently the FBI is reviewing the anti-Jena 6 web page. Extra patrols began several days ago, LaSalle Parish Sheriff Carl Smith said.
Needles to say there has been much outrage both in the community and the nation over this deplorable incident.

Stats 2012

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lynch the Jena 6 comment has been Taken Down!

A list that appeared on a site right here on Blogspot detailing the names and addresses
of the Jena 6 has been taken off!
Below is the video related to this incident that made national news this morning.

Stats 1882

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Vista Film Festival

To all my Latin Brothers and Sisters especially those in the Lone Star State of Texas The Vista Film Festival has begun! It began yesterday in Dallas and will continue until the 23rd of September.

One of the films being shown is “ Hijos de la Guerra” which deals with the violence of the MS-13 gangs, of which Texas is familiar with.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Whine Up" No Longer Available at Youtube

Got this copy at Nu Era's Pop Music right here on after hunting around a bit. The embed is still at Kat De Luna video is no longer available

Stats 1921

Monday, September 17, 2007

List of 65 Puerto Rican Soldiers KIA

Go to Elbohemio,wordpress for the complete list of the 65 Puerto Rican soldiers that have been killed this year in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.There are more links there as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tango del Pecado

Here is a Cool Video to get the day going. Have Fun!

Stats 1780

Monday, September 10, 2007

Anti-Piracy Video

I decided to start the week off with a bit of humor, British Humor to be exact. I
saw it this morning and almost died laughing. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Information on New Bin Laden Video

For those of you who keep track of events regarding the new Bin Laden video you can click on the Hunterseeker button to the right in the sidebar and go there for the latest information.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Seeing as it is Friday I decided to put some entertainment on this site to get some of you ready for the weekend Festivities I know you all have planned. Here is a piece I found over at Myspace which should fit the bill!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Puerto Rican Humor

For those living in the states that want to take a look at some of the comic video’s of the Golden Age of TV in Puerto Rico, just click below and your off to Manny’s World in Puerto Rico.

WARNING this site is not for the bashful, the delicate, the snob, or children.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Eddie Aguilar

This is a message from Eddie Aguilar´s son.
Any messages of condolence please email it to

Thanks again to all that have been supported
toward Eddie Aguilar, his family and friends.
Eddie Santos

Hello everyone,

I am saddened to inform you that after a long battle with all the ailments Eddie suffered from after his stroke, Eddie has gone home to be with the Lord at approximately 10:30pm Wednesday night, August 29th.

Just so you all know, Eddie was visited by the hospice priest earlier in the day. The priest actually called me to tell me that he prayed with my dad and read some passages from the Bible to him. So I know he was at peace at the time of his passing.

Eddie was a strong man, and truly fought to get well again, but his body was just breaking down and there was nothing any man on earth could do to prevent that. God decided to call him back home, and even though that leaves all of us with heavy hearts, I know he is in a better place where he will no longer suffer.

As of this morning (Thurs. Aug 30th), we will be making arrangements for Eddie´s wake and funeral service. We don´t know where it will be held yet, but I will hopefully have that information for all of you by the end of the day. At the moment we are looking for the wake to begin as of Sunday afternoon, but I will e-mail everyone to confirm.

Unfortunately, because of these preparations, I will not be available tomorrow to take any calls. But please feel free to leave any e-mail messages and I will try to respond at the earliest convenience.

Once the funeral arrangements are finalized, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in spreading the information to his friends, co-workers and anyone else who would want to be there.

Thank you very much to all of you who have given both Eddie and I your support during these trying times. I am extremely grateful for all the warm thoughts and prayers, and I know Eddie felt the same. God Bless.


John-Eric Aguilar
(Eddie´s son)
The wake will be held on Monday-Tuesday Sept 3-4 at:
R G Ortiz Funeral Home
2121 Westchester Av, Bronx, NY 10462

update: 8-31-2007

Hello again to all of Eddie's family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances.

I want to thank all of you for all your kind words and prayers offered to me and my family throughout this day. It makes me happy to know that my dad had so many great friends who truly cared about him.

Arrangements were made today for Eddie's wake and funeral. I understand with this being a holiday weekend, it would be difficult for some to attend, so I took that into consideration when coming up with plans.

Eddie's wake will be held on Monday, September 3rd from 5pm-9pm, and Tuesday, September 4th from 2pm-9pm: A funeral service will also be held at the home on Tuesday night (time to soon be confirmed), with a service at my church the next morning (Wednesday, September 5th) at 9:30am. He will then be taken to the cemetery immediately after for burial.

The wake will be held at:

R G Ortiz Funeral Home
2121 Westchester Ave
Bronx, NY 10462
(718) 931-1500

The funeral home is located one block away from Castle Hill Avenue in the Bronx. There is a decent amount of parking available, but if you would like to take public transportation, the #6 train is only one block down (Castle Hill station). You may also take the Bx22 bus to Castle Hill and walk over.

And my church is:

Van Nest Assembly of God
755 Rhinelander Ave
Bronx, NY 10462

The chuch is located on Rhinelander and Holland Avenues, one block off Morris Park and about 2-3 blocks north of White Plains Road. The church is accessible by the #2 train (Bronx Park East Station) and #5 train (Morris Park Station). It is also accessible by bus on the Bx22 and the Bx39.

Finally, Eddie will be buried at Oakland Cemetery. The address for the Cemetery is:

Oakland Cemetery
2 Saw Mill River Road
Yonkers, NY 10701

The cemetery is located right off exit 5 of the Saw Mill River Parkway. You just hang a right off the exit and you will see the Cemetery on your right hand side. You can't miss it.

We went to see the cemetery today to pick out his plot, and I must say, I believe my dad would have been happy with our choice. It is on top of a hill, right in the center. So he will always have a view of heaven, as well as be the center of attention. Which you all know, is exactly where my dad always liked to be.

If you have any further questions about the memorial plans, please feel free to e-mail me, and I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Flowers are always appreciated but donations to the American Diabetes Association will be welcomed as well (donation details will follow).

Thank you once again for all of your support during this emotional time, and I look forward to seeing you (and meeting many of you for the first time) at the services. God Bless!


John-Eric Aguilar

Stats 1554

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

El Jefe Discovers El Ñame

For all my stateside Latin readers who can still read Spanish I have a site for you! It is a site that deals with the local political stuff in a manner akin to The Onion. I know that many will like the site. Here is what they say of themselves:

"El Ñame" es un periódico humorístico estilo "The Onion" donde encontrarás "noticias" sobre el quehacer político y pocasvergüenzas variadas de Puerto Rico y del mundo entero que, si bien no están basadas en la "verdad", al menos tratarán de hacerte reír y no llorar (como "El Nuevo Día" y "El Vocero"). ¡Que disfrutes de "El Ñame"!

And here is todays cartoon based on the encounter. Enjoy!

Latino Heritage Festival

This post is for my Latino Brothers and Sisters living in the wilds of Iowa! To tell you the truth I didn’t think that there were many Latino’s out there in the first place, but I found out that they actually have a Latin Heritage Festival there! That was news to me. Below are the details. For more information click here

General Information
Saturday September 8, 2007
12Noon to 10PM

Sunday September 9, 2007
12Noon to 7PM

Adults: $5.00
Children 12 and under: Free

Blank Park Zoo


The First Annual Latino Heritage Festival was held on May 25, 2002. This event was a setting which made Iowans aware of the positive aspects the Latino brings to the community. It served as a vehicle to unite various human service agencies, corporations, and other community entities that have tried to outreach to the Latino community. Local artists, and performers were able to show their talents. The festival was entertaining, cheerful, informative, and an enriching event that was enjoyed by thousands of participants regardless of age, race, ethnicity, creed, or gender. This event gave the Latino community a sense of accomplishment and ethnic pride. This event now has the distinction of not only being the largest Latino Festival in the state, but is the largest ethnic event in the state of Iowa.

Have Fun!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Todays Cartoon

Here is todays Cartoon. Enjoy!
Just click on image to enlarge.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Nabbed Outside Church, Mom Deported

By PETER PRENGAMAN, AP Posted: 2007-08-20 08:07:58
Filed Under: Law News, Nation News

LOS ANGELES (Aug. 20) - An immigration activist who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year to avoid being separated from her son has been deported to Mexico, the church's pastor said. More…

I read this AP article and found it to be a sad testimonial to the human condition within the United States and a confirmation of what I have said for so long. Ethnics within the United States have, are and will always continue to be treated as second class citizens. But something that is even more telling are the comments at the end of this article. You can actually feel the racism seeping and dripping out from them. Not all but for some reason the more racist views are at the beginning, at least in the 1-10 of 6996 comments made by 4:09 p.m. today! I did not look at the rest but if the first are any example then I can imagine the rest.
Like I said, this is a very sad testimonial to the human condition within the United States not only among Hispanics but all ethnic groups.

What about Humanity?


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Police Shooting of Civilian in Puerto Rico

For the latest news regarding the recent shooting of
Miguel A. Caceres by a policeman in Puerto Rico

Go to Elbohemio
Note: There are a lot of different types of material
floating around on the Internet regarding this case
but a number of them border in the realm of threats
so these I Do Not put on my site.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Army Capt. Maria Ines Ortiz

Today I decided to write a piece that I know is close to every ones heart from what I have been able to see on my blog stats. I speak of Army Nurse Capt. Maria Ines Ortiz, who died of wounds received during a mortar attack on July 10, 2007 in the infamous Green Zone. I have had to really dig to get a better picture of the events surrounding this attack. I did not want to to this twice so please go to:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

US military draft 'should be considered'

To All My Latin Brothers and Sisters


It would seem that the military cannot meet its monthly quota so they are now thinking of re-instituting the draft as had been the case during the 60’s during the Vietnam Conflict ( they chose not to call it a war back then, go figure! ).

As everyone knows, it will be the poor, ethnic, inner city youths that will have to pay the price as has been the case in the past.

Click on the link below for the sad news:

US military draft 'should be considered'

Fraud Probe Targets Puerto Rico Doctors

News of the fraud probe involving doctors has been in the news on a daily basis in Puerto Rico. Imagine being treated by a doctor, for years maybe, only to find out that doctor never had the proper certification for a license or worse still had purchased it!
Well, to date there have been at least 90 such doctors arrested and the investigation continues. One case is getting special scrutiny because a child died while in the care of such a doctor.
For the full stories go here and here. For Spanish version go here.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Army Recruiters At It Again!

To all my Latin Brothers and Sisters

You Must Go To:


to see the latest regarding the new tactics the Army recruiters plan on using
to recruit fresh meat for their wars!


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Search continues for two missing U.S. soldiers

By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY

The trail of Spc. Alex Jimenez and Pvt. Byron Fouty is getting colder by the day, leaving their platoon-mates with only faint hope that they are still alive. Their absence is particularly poignant because such losses have been so rare in Iraq: Unlike previous wars, when thousands of troops have gone missing from chaotic battlefields, only four U.S. troops are listed as missing in Iraq. More…

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tornado touches down in Brooklyn

Dorothy! Please Go Back to Kansas!

I called my sister this afternoon after noticing that she was online. I wondered if something was going on since she should have been at work. When she started recounting todays events in New York especially in Brooklyn I could not believe what I was hearing. A Tornado in Brooklyn! Once I was assured that everything was OK I turned on the TV and watched the days events roll by on Channel 7 which we are able to get down here in Puerto Rico. It was confirmed that it indeed was a tornado and an EF 7 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, if I understood correctly. Click on Channel 7 above to see all the details.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Staff Sgt. Wilberto Suliveras is Killed in Iraq

Staff Sgt. Wilberto Suliveras is the 63rd Puerto Rican soldier to die in Iraq. Suliveras, 38, died July 29, 2007 in Taji, Iraq of wounds suffered from enemy small arms fire. Suliveras of Humacao, Puerto Rico was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, out of Fort Hood, Texas.
The family has asked the military that he be buried here in Puerto Rico at the National Cemetery in Bayamon. His remains will first go to Fort Hood for a small ceremony prior to arriving in Puerto Rico.

For other articles go here.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


For all those who live in Puerto Rico here is the latest calendar of up-coming meetings at Partido Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico. Go here

Friday, August 03, 2007

Two Latim Music Festivals in New Jersey

Get Ready To Party!

For all my Latin Brothers and Sisters living in the Empire, New Jersey to be exact, there will be Two Festivals on August 12, 2007. One in Atlantic City the other in Newark.

On Sunday, August 12, 2007, the ELEVENTH annual Parade and Latin Music Festival on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey, from 12:00 NOON to 10:30 P.M.

On Sunday, August 12, 2007, El Festival de La Salsa in Newark, NJ.
Festival De La Salsa 2007
9 de Agosto al 12
En Branch Brook Park
(Sección Los Leones)
Newark NJ 07104

Auspiciado: por La Mega 97.9 y Amor 93.1FM
Artistas internacionales – Kiskos – Machinas –
Juegos Artesanía – Feria De Salud y muchas sorpresas mas…

Para más información de llamar:
Jacqueline Quiles – Presidenta 732-882-3866
Maribel Santos – Coordinadora 973-207-8121

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Se forma motín en Monte Park, Puerto Rico

La Policía achaca el incidente a lucha por control de puntos.

Por Daniel Rivera Vargas /

Un motín con más de 50 personas en el que se alega hubo disparos y golpes se produjo ayer por la mañana en el residencial Monte Park de Río Piedras, cuando presuntamente un grupo del vecino complejo Monte Hatillo entró al caserío para tratar de controlar los puntos de droga del área.

La tensa situación se produjo entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 9:45 a.m. de ayer hasta que la Uniformada dispersó a los amotinados y logró siete arrestos. Más...

Balacera en Monte Hatillo

Por la Redacción ENDI.COM
(10:03 a.m.) Presuntamente los vecinos se opusieron a unos arrestos en el residencial.
Envía tus noticias a: SMS-78700 · E-mail

Una balacera entre agentes de la Policía y los vecinos del residencial Monte Hatillo, en Río Piedras, se suscitó a eso de las 9:30 de esta mañana. Más...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Latest News From Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico

I am now in the position of obtaining information from Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico on a more regular basis and will try to keep my readers informed as much as possible. For those who don't know Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico is the newest political party in Puerto Rico.
The information will be provided in its original language ( Spanish ).

Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico

Al Senado por el PPR Samuel González

San Juan, PR, 26 de julio de 2007 - Con una agenda legislativa de protección ambiental, fiscalización y desarrollo para el turismo sustentable, el Lcdo. Samuel González, ex director ejecutivo de la Compañía de Parques Nacionales bajo la actual administración, anunció en la sede del partido Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico (PPR) su candidatura a Senador por Acumulación bajo la insignia de dicha colectividad.

"Hoy, me presento nuevamente ante el pueblo, para anunciarle mi disponibilidad de servirle a Puerto Rico", indicó González aludiendo a que los ciudadanos que quieren luchar por un mejor país deben atreverse a participar en la política.

Con relación a su labor fiscalizadora en el cuerpo legislativo, González indicó que abogará "por la eliminación de acuerdos de confidencialidad para que el pueblo tenga derecho al acceso de toda la gestión pública, de la contratación, de los acuerdos y del desembolso de fondos públicos". Además, promoverá legislación para el aumento de subsidios al sector de la agroindustria ya que, según explicó, "la reducción de cerca de 30 millones de dólares del Departamento de Agricultura ha provocado que se hipotequen fincas importantes que sin duda alguna caerán en manos de desarrolladores".

"Para el desarrollo de un turismo sustentable, explicó González, presentaré legislación para incentivar el desarrollo de atracciones enfocadas al turismo de aventura, parques especializados, paseos submarinos y delfinarios, utilizando los entornos de las comunidades para integrar servicios y promover empresas".

En el área de relaciones laborales, González indicó que revisará las leyes de inmunidad patronal y presentará legislación para que los trabajadores tengan lugares adecuados y seguros de trabajo y para que sus reclamos ante los diversos foros administrativos y judiciales se procesen con mayor agilidad.

Entre otros logros, la gestión del Lcdo. Samulez González como director de la Compañía de Parques le ganó a Puerto Rico el distintivo de la Bandera Azul, otorgada por la organización Blue Flag con sede en Dinamarca. Mediante este endoso, se reconoció la calidad óptima de la Playa de Escambrón y la seguridad acuática provista a los bañistas. Puerto Rico fue el primer país en todo el continente americano que izó la Bandera Azu


Contacto: Angie Ramírez (787) 340- 7432

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Memorial services for Army nurse Capt. Maria Ines Ortiz

Memorial services for Army nurse Capt. Maria Ines Ortiz, 40, who was killed July 10 by enemy mortar fire in Baghdad's Green Zone will take place at 3 p.m. Wednesday July 18, 2007 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground Post Chapel in Aberdeen, Md. She was also the 79th service member -- and third woman -- with ties to New Jersey to die in Iraq.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Puerto Rican soldier first Army Nurse killed in Iraq War since 2003 U.S. Invasion

I heard of this news while out shopping and immediately began investigating upon my arrival. I checked out many sources to get as many details regarding this story. It was on the local TV stations and newspapers here in Puerto Rico. Go to

Sunday, July 08, 2007

407 blog posts about Spc. Alex R. Jimenez

As of Sunday, 8:20 p.m. July 8, 2007 there are 407 blog posts about Spc.Alex R. Jimenez at Technorati but no new news regarding his whereabouts. He has been missing since he was taken POW by terrorists on May 12 in Karagol, Iraq. Defenselink reported: Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich., and Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass., were declared missing-captured June 27, 2007.

June 4, 2007 – Al-Qaida linked insurgents killed three American soldiers after capturing them last month in Iraq, according to a militant video released Monday that claimed to show footage of the ambush. The video offered no proof for its claims.

The clip, which was made available to The Associated Press by the Washington-based SITE Institute, showed confused and jerky night battle scenes, and later offered close-ups of two identification cards. It did not show the soldiers.

U.S. officials in Iraq were studying a video posted to a terrorist Web site showing the military identification cards of two U.S. soldiers listed as missing since May 12, according to Multinational Force Iraq officials. That was the last news about the missing soldiers.

On June 30, 2007, Yaderlin Hiraldo Jimenez, the wife of missing Army Spc. Alex Jimenez walked into a U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Services Office in Buffalo, N.Y. She left with a green card in her hand, guaranteeing she can stay in the U.S. for the rest of her life. She had been on the verge of being deported.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Yaderlin Hiraldo Jiménez

Residencia legal a esposa indocumentada
de soldado desaparecido

Publicado el domingo 01 de julio del 2007

Una mujer cuyo marido -un soldado de Estados Unidos- desapareció en Irak hace mes y medio, recibió documentos de residencia después de que las autoridades habían amenazado con deportarla por haber ingresado ilegalmente al país. Más…

Source: Associated Press

Padres mantienen esperanza
de que hijo esté con vida

NUEVA YORK (AP) — Cada día que pasa aumenta el tormento de un matrimonio de inmigrantes dominicanos cuyo hijo está desaparecido en Irak, pero la pareja no pierde la ilusión de que el soldado regrese sano y salvo. “No perdemos la esperanza de que aparezca con vida. Tenemos fe en Dios y seguimos orando por su regreso”, declaró Ramón Jiménez, padre del cabo Alex Ramón Jiménez, desaparecido el 12 de mayo junto con dos compañeros cuando el trío fue emboscado por insurgentes al sur Más…

myspace de Alex Ramón Jiménez

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Department of Defense Changes Status of Missing Soldiers

I continue to search the net for the latest news regarding the two soldiers that are still missing. As of June 30, 2007 the only news has been a change in their status by the Department of Defense to “ missing/captured.” The ambush in which Spc. Alex Jimenez, 25, and Pvt. Byron Fouty, 19, went missing took place on May 12, 2007 and also claimed the lives of seven of their fellow soldiers and one Iraqi interpreter.

Jimenez and Fouty are with 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division.
As of this writing there is no more news regarding these two soldiers.

For more details go to Army Times

For Audio Slide Shows go to Glousester Daily Times

Audio Slide Show: Hope lives

Audio Slide Show: A mother's thank you

Monday, June 25, 2007

More Links for my Latin Brothers and Sisters

During one of my many hunts across the NET I came
across several links that I thought I should note down here.




Hope everyone enjoys them!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Voice of America May Boost its Broadcast to Venezuela

It would seem that the House of Representatives has approved an amendment that would provide 10 million for the Voice of America to boost its broadcast to Venezuela.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jimenez ID found

During my regular nightly hunts across the Net I came upon a chronology of the events surrounding Spc. Alex Jimenez from his disappearance until the present at The Eagle-Tribune Online.

The Eagle-Tribune Online

Jimenez ID found, encouraging family

By Crystal Bozek and Yadira Betances, Staff writers
Published on June 17 2007

The discovery of Spc. Alex Jimenez’ identification card in a deserted al-Qaida safe house north of Baghdad raised new hope for the family of the Lawrence soldier captured by militants. More...

For Alex and his family: Share your well-wishes
As the Merrimack Valley prays for Jimenez' safe return, The Eagle-Tribune is compiling well-wishes for his family. To submit your sentiments, e-mail

No News Yet of Army SPC. Alex R. Jimenez

For all my readers looking for news of Army Spc. Alex R. Jimenez the only thing I can offer is to go to The Post-Standard though there is not much more there. I have searched high and low yet have found nothing. Another place to look would be they specialize in tracking terrorist websites but I have been keeping an eye there too and there has not been anything to report. I have also checked the DOD and nothing! Should anyone have any NEW news please leave a comment and some link where I might re-direct my readers. The article on The Post -Standard is located at the www6lexisnexis website. Just click on this link to get there> The Post-Standard (Syracuse, New York)

The Post-Standard
June 17, 2007 Sunday
AGE: 25;

This is an update regarding the situation in the family of Army Spc. Alex R. Jimenez though it is not what one would expect and is in fact a gross injustice in view of what the family and wife is going through. The wife of Army Spc. Alex R. Jimenez now faces possible deportation! Go to for the article. As if his family does not have enough to worry about now they have to deal with this gross injustice!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cuba's 'first lady' dies aged 77

Americas Last Updated:
Tuesday, 19 June 2007, 21:44 GMT 22:44 UK

Vilma Espin, a key figure from Cuba's Communist revolution and wife of acting president Raul Castro, dies. More…

Monday, June 04, 2007

Where Are They?

Mother of missing soldier says she’s maintaining hope

By Associated Press
Friday, May 25, 2007 - Updated: 07:26 AM EST

BOSTON - The mother of a Massachusetts soldier missing in Iraq said in a New York television interview aired Thursday that waiting to know his fate is terrible, but that she has faith he’ll come back.

Maria Jimenez’s son, Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, has been missing since a May 12 ambush about 20 miles outside Baghdad killed four soldiers and their Iraqi interpreter. Jimenez and three comrades disappeared. The body of one of the three, Pvt. Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr., 20, of Torrance, Calif., was found on Wednesday. More….Boston

New Video Shows Missing U.S. Soldiers' ID Cards

June 04, 2007 9:23 AM
Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz Report:

An Iraqi insurgent group posted a videotape on the Internet today showing what it said were the military ID cards and other personal items of the two U.S. soldiers believed to have been captured last month in Iraq.Watch the video with the Missing U.S. Soldiers’ ID’s

DoD Announces Army Soldiers as Whereabouts Unknown

The Department of Defense announced today the identities of four soldiers listed as Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (DUSTWUN) while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. They have been unaccounted for since May 12 in Al Taqa, Iraq, when their patrol was attacked by enemy forces using automatic fire and explosives. They are assigned to the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y. Reported as DUSTWUN are: Sgt. Anthony J. Schober, 23, of Reno, Nev. Spc. Alex R. Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass. Pfc. Joseph J. Anzack Jr., 20, of Torrance, Calif. Pvt. Byron W. Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich. Search and recovery efforts are ongoing, and the incident is under investigation. For more information in regard to this release the media can contact the Coalition Press Information Center-Baghdad at (703) 270-0299 or (703) 270-0320.

Update 6:44 p.m. June 4, 2007: For more news about this on-going event please go to:

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Auténtica libertad piden estudiantes

Caracas, Junio 4 de 2007
Maria Eugenia Brandy

Para hoy lunes 4 de junio está convocada una marcha desde la plaza Brión de Chacaito hasta el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ). La concentración está pautada para las 11 de la mañana, así lo informaron los dirigentes estudiantiles de diversas universidades de la ciudad capital.

Al respecto, Alexis Cabrera, representante de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB), explicó que la caminata tiene como fin “entregar un documento donde se solicita que ellos se pronuncien a favor a de la libertad de expresión, a favor de la libertad de protesta y a favor de garantizar a los jóvenes universitarios, a todos los venezolanos, el cumplimiento de sus derechos civiles”, dijo.

Por su parte, Rayma López, estudiante del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, señaló que ya fueron introducidos los documentos pertinentes antes las autoridades correspondientes para el otorgamiento de permisos. “Ya con este permiso, no se necesita que se apruebe. Ya está notificado y con esto exigimos que nos protejan porque vamos a una protesta cívica, pacífica y siempre exigiendo la libertad y los derechos cívicos (…) de toda la población venezolana”, aseguró.

Asimismo, mañana martes se realizará una concentración de estudiantes de carácter nacional a las 9 de la mañana, para realizar una marcha que saldrá desde la plaza del Rectorado en la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y llegará al Palacio de las Academias, justo al frente de la Asamblea Nacional (AN), así lo indicó Jesús Hermoso, estudiante de comunicación social de la UCV.

Es importante señalar que Gabriel Gallo, dirigente estudiantil de la Universidad Santa María (USM), rechazó las declaraciones de voceros oficialistas, quienes acusaron a los jóvenes de estar siendo manipulados por sectores opositores. “Yo quiero hacer énfasis en que no estamos siendo manipulados por ningún sector político”. En este sentido, aceptó la propuesta a un debate realizada por los estudiantes que simpatizan con el presidente Chávez. Invitó a quienes los retan a acudir a sus casas de estudios para realizar la actividad.

For English translation go to

La Comunidad Estudiantil

“No respondemos
a partidos políticos”


Milagros Paz, presidenta del Centro de Estudiantes de La Universidad del Zulia, en representación de los estudiantes de las universidades del interior del país, en el marco de la lucha estudiantil que se esta llevando a cabo, convocó a la comunidad estudiantil para que participen en la movilización del próximo martes que llegará al Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.

Asimismo, Milagros Paz hizo un llamado a que se respete el derecho a la libertad de expresión y a la manifestación pacífica de los estudiantes. Con respecto a las acusaciones de la politización de las manifestaciones estudiantiles, la presidenta del centro de estudiantes afirmó que “nosotros no respondemos a ningún partido político, nosotros sólo respondemos a la voz de nuestra conciencia. Los agresores de los manifestantes estudiantiles sí se mantenían bajo una doctrina política”.

Acusó al alcalde Giancarlo Di Martino de estar detrás de los ataques que sufrieron estudiantes de la Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín el día de ayer: “Nosotros acusamos a la Alcaldía de Zulia de haber enviado a sus salserines a atacar a los estudiantes”. También Exigió al Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, que “actúe de manera independiente y no de manera sesgada como lo han venido haciendo todas las demás instituciones del Estado”.

Milagros Paz expreso su solidaridad con los estudiantes que fueron víctimas de las agresiones que se suscitaron en las manifestaciones que se realizaron en todo el país, en especial con los estudiantes que se encuentran detenidos en las manifestaciones: “Dejen de estarle metiendo miedo a nuestros padres, ellos se sienten orgullosos que nosotros, los estudiantes universitarios nos estamos organizando para luchar por la libertad y exigir el respeto de nuestros derechos”.

Nube negra se posa en relaciones
de Brasil y Venezuela

Presiones internas de los medios, críticas de los políticos por su posición poco definida sobre el caso RCTV en Venezuela, junto a gremios de periodistas molestos con su “diplomacia acomodaticia”, son parte de las tormentas que vive el presidente de Brasil luego que su homólogo, Hugo Chávez arremetiera contra el Congreso y otras instituciones de su país

Brasilia AP / EFE

El canciller de Brasil, Celso Amorim, afirmó el sábado que “una nube” cubre las relaciones entre su país y Venezuela, pero que espera un pronto retorno a la normalidad.

La “expectativa es que todos estos arrobos retóricos fluyan y que las relaciones puedan volver a la normalidad”, dijo Amorim desde Londres, donde acompañó al presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva a un partido amistoso de fútbol el viernes tarde entre los combinados de Brasil e Inglaterra.

“La retórica puede haberse salido (de cauces). Pero eso es una cosa que a veces dura un día, dos días. Es una nube que pasa”, agregó Amorim citado por servicio privado de noticias brasileño Agencia Estado.

Amorim ratificó que “la independencia, la dignidad, los principios democráticos y nacionales del congreso brasileño no pueden estar y no están nunca en juego. Ciertamente no se aprecia que una autoridad extranjera, sea cual sea, se manifieste sobre nuestro congreso”.

El impasse entre Brasilia y Caracas, el más grave en las largas y cercanas relaciones de los dos países, surgió a raíz de declaraciones del presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, durante un discurso el jueves por la noche asegurando que sentía pena por el pueblo brasileño.

“Mis condolencias para el pueblo de Brasil, que no merece que este Congreso aparezca repitiendo como loro lo que dicen en Washington”, dijo Chávez al replicar a una moción aprobada el 30 de mayo por la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado brasileño pidiéndole reconsiderar su decisión de no renovar la licencia de operaciones de la televisora privada RCTV.

El congreso brasileño en pleno rechazó las afirmaciones de Chávez.

Tras afirmar en Londres que desconocía el contenido del discurso de su colega venezolano, Lula emitió el viernes por la tarde a través de la Cancillería una nota manifestando “total apoyo a las instituciones brasileñas” y expresando “su repudio a manifestaciones que coloquen en cuestión la independencia, la dignidad y los principios democráticos”, de las instituciones.

Por años Lula ha esquivado hacer críticas sobre asuntos internos de Venezuela, a la vez que ha declarado su abierto apoyo a Chávez, a su reelección y a sus programas de Gobierno.

A comienzos de 2007, la Cancillería resolvió rápidamente un incidente surgido con críticas del ministro de Comunicación brasileño, Helio Costa, a las televisoras oficiales venezolanas y llamó a Costa y al embajador venezolano, Julio García Montoya, para limar asperezas, sin que el incidente pasara a mayores y sin emitir un comunicado oficial.

La misma línea fue seguida por Brasilia cuando Chávez criticó en marzo planes de expandir la producción de caña de azúcar para producir alcohol combustible, o etanol, del cual Brasil es el segundo exportador mundial después de Estados Unidos.

Ahora “Brasil tuvo una reacción muy dura porque se trataba (de críticas) a un poder de la república” como es el Congreso, dijo en conversación telefónica Octaciano Nogueira, profesor de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Brasilia. “No se puede decir que esto sea un incidente definitivo, pero claramente cambió el nivel de las relaciones, lo cambió hacia abajo”, agregó.