Help and Information

For all my Latin Brothers and Sisters ( eljefe2) because of the on-going economic crisis I have decided to put this link here so you can check out some of the Latest information regarding the crisis.

The New Realm of Hunterseeker


1. Rhode Island
2. Libertad Digital TV Spain
3. Mi
4. Tony’s Home Page
5. Puertoricans .com


Art Print

For all of my Puerto Rican readers and art fans you will be interested to know that you can view a number of my art prints at Galeria W. Labiosa in Old San Juan, 200 Tetuan Street, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901-1517
Tel. ( 787 ) 721-2848.

This is one of my more popular prints ( below ) available there. The title is ” Buen dia don Roberto ” and is hand signed by me and measures 16” x 20”.

Buen dia don Roberto

Buen dia don Roberto

Slideshow of My Artwork and Christmas Cards

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hispanic deaths in the War/ Iraq

This is always a sad post for me to compile and so as not to do double work I provide the link to my other blog where the post is actually located. Click here for the list.

May they rest in Peace

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dodging Snipers in Bosnia?

Has anyone given any attention to Hillary’s claims of Dodging Snipers in Bosnia, as a way of emphasizing her experience to be the president and manage military affairs? You might want to check around on the net today in particularly the Fact Checker at the Washington Post.

Here is what she said:

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."
March 17, 2008
IRAQ: Hillary's Remarks at The George Washingon University

Well, if you do some checking you will find something very peculiar about her account! Take a look at this video and remember these words:

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

Hillary Clinton at Tuzla in Bosnia

Was this the same trip that she talked about? Was there more than one trip to Tuzla, Bosnia?
If this is indeed the trip she referred to I certainly don’t see anyone running for cover! Maybe my audio is off also because I have a hard time hearing the sniper fire!

If you ask me something doesn’t jibe in this whole account.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


My wife and I were at our favorite restaurant, Titos in Vega Alta yesterday where one of the customers played the Celia Cruz hit Quimbara on the jukebox. It instantly propelled me back down memory lane to the days I hung out in Spanish Harlem during the 60's! I thought I would share it here for those who want to feel nostalgic for the old days.

Celia Cruz Ft Tito Puente - Quimbara

While looking for the video on YouTube I came across another version that I found to be interesting. Here it is:


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pelea de Gallos en Puerto Rico

This is a treat for those who grew up here on the island and are fans of the Traditional Cockfights.
You can view this and other videos at: Videos Boricuas expresate al mundo

Pelea de Gallos en Puerto Rico

Nuestra gente le encantan las peleas de gallos. Existen las famosas galleras donde la gente va y lleva sus gallos. Me acuerdo de un vecino que le amolaba las espuelas y le ponia botines para practicar.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Obama, You Blew IT!

Jeremiah Wright - Hillary Clinton ain't never been called...

Up to this time I have been in favor of Barack Obama. Up to this time then last night I saw the interview conducted by Anderson Cooper where Obama was trying to distance himself from the frenzy over the sermon of Jeremiah Wright. Everybody has seen the edited version of that video. I am certain that it has probably been viewed world wide.

Now, here is the thing. I saw that video, as have the majority of those living in the U.S. and I could not find it to be offensive or untruthful ( except for the 911 comment that does not appear in the video ). Any ethnic, especially blacks know that everything that Jeremiah Wright said about the black mans plight was true! Deep down inside Obama knows that this is true. But what does he do? He now tries to distance himself from all of it!
Well, when I saw that on Anderson Cooper last night my views on Obama changed. Jeremiah Wright spoke the truth of the black mans ( and other ethnics ) plight in the U.S. not the ideological rhetoric of a politician! He spoke the Reality of the ethnic experience in the U.S. not the ideological American Dream story!

The more I heard Obama speak the more I realized that this is a man I cannot back or trust. Up until last night he had my vote but now, that has changed. How can anyone trust an individual who tries to distance himself from something that every ethnic living in the U.S. knows is true! Political rhetoric to save his butt during a presidential campaign? Even less reason to be trusted.

Obama, if you ask me you blew it Kiddo! There are a lot of blacks and ethnics out there that are probably thinking the same thing I just expressed. I suspect that the Anderson Cooper interview ( aired March 14, 2008 ) is going to cost Obama dearly!

Note: I tried finding the video of that interview but was unable to find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find it?

Barack Obama Speech on Race

About this video
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Barack Obama confronted the nation's racial divide head-on Tuesday, tackling both black grievance and white resentment in a bold effort to quiet a campaign uproar over race and his former pastor's incendiary statements.

Now lets listen to the Obama speech on Race. It is a 4 part video.

Barack Obama Speech on Race - Part 1 of 4

Barack Obama Speech on Race - Part 2 of 4

Barack Obama Speech on Race - Part 3 of 4

Barack Obama Speech on Race - Part 4 of 4

I listened to the speech and all of the eloquent words and the little story and I come away asking this," Is he talking truth and reality or is this more Political, patriotic idealism, that has been spewed out for the past 300 years at election time? "

Don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of hate but neither am I some naive idiot as to what we must confront on a regular basis in the" Mean " streets of our cities.

Jeremiah Wright spoke truthfully of the black mans plight, which in essence is the reality of all ethnics in the U.S.

My wife told me that Obama has to say these things in order to continue his race for the presidency. Well, if that is the case then it's politics not truth and reality. I would rather deal with a man who will call me Spik to my face than one with eloquent speech's and pat's on the back. At least I know where the first one is coming from, I would not be able to trust the second!

But who am I except a lowly man on the streets in a pre-depression era!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

War between Venezuela and Colombia? (4 March 2008)

I came across these 2 MUST SEE videos of the current situation between Venezuela and Colombia over at YouTube during my nightly hunts across the Net.

BOGOTA, Colombia - Hundreds of Venezuelan troops moved Tuesday toward the border with Colombia, where trade was slowing amid heightening tension over Colombia's cross-border strike on a rebel base in Ecuador. More…

Venezuela Closes Trade Border with Columbia
Tensions are increasing between Venezuela and Columbia. Venezuela has closed its trade border with Colombia and the Columbian President wants to put Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez put on trial for financing a terrorist group. More…